Tuesday, July 18, 2006

July 18: Fundraising So Far

Thank-you to everybody who has donated to the Lung Association on behalf of the Biking For Breath Team's ride across Canada.

More than three million Canadians cope with serious respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis and respiratory distress syndrome (1). More alarmingly, the top five respiratory diseases account for nearly one out of every five deaths in Canada (2). With the urbanization of our communities, use of chemicals on our foods, environmental pollutants in our work environments (e.g. second hand smoke, cleaning products, pesticides, and exhaust), and decreased physical activity the incidence of lung diseases is on the rise.

As a team we are cycling across the country one breath at a time to combat these staggering statistics. “Our quest this summer is to cycle 7,400 km across Canada to promote healthy lifestyles and raise $30,000 for critical research and programs funded by the Canadian Lung Association.”

Through our journey so far we have met so many amazing people who have donated to our cause and welcomed us into their homes with open arms. We are almost halfway done our journey and we have collected over $5,000 in donations so far. Please help spread the word about our cycling trip "Crossing Canada One Breath at at time" by encouraging others to follow our journey and donate to the Lung Association. Together we can truly impact the respiratory heath of our families, our neighbours, our province and our country.


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