Day 45: Rabbit Blanket to a beach on Lake Superior, 20km past Montreal River
July 25th
Total kms: 99km
This morning was a wet morning. There had been a wind and rain storm last night while sleeping and lots of stuff was wet. As well, it started to rain as we left camp, and we had to pull out our rain gear for the 1st time in weeks! It reminded us why we were carrying all the rain gear!

As the rain started to stop, we pulled into Katharine Cove, a beautiful sandy beach in Lake Superior Provincial Park. After a quick snack, Jennica, Cam and Christine went for a swim in Lake Superior while Alisha and Klara, still cold, looked on.

As we continued to ride, the rain stopped and it warmed up. Learning there wasn't much "official" camping between Montreal River and Pancake Bay, we decided to look for our own campsite. We found a gorgeous bay with access from the Highway on Lake Superior.
After a quick swim in the Lake, an awesome dinner and some fog rolling in, we headed to bed, definitely ready to sleep!
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