Total km's today....approximately 60km
(Getting out of Calgary was its own challenge and took us close on two and a half hours!)
This is my
summary - sorry no pics - maybe I should explain.
An adventure like this one does not happen without injuries and pain, which we have already seen in the case of Alisha's accident. Christine has developed Carpal Tunnel syndrome and although she was checked out, treated and decked out with some heavy-duty gloves and handle-bar padding, we all thought it was best if she listened to her body to ensure recovery quickly got underway. As a result, Cam and Christine are resting in Calgary and will be rejoining the crew tomorrow (June 29th) in Medicine Hat.
Oh yah...the explanation? Cam is our digital photographer.
This was our first day of needed adjustment to the prairies - the wind, the heat, the stretches of what-seems-like nothing....
For our first day out, we were pretty unlikely with a strong head wind, keeping us at a pretty slow pace.
We were happy nonetheless that we had reached a reasonable destination, keeping us on track to meet Cam and Christine Thursday.
A perfect little campground right off the highway with showers, toilets and a phone was our home for the night. Bonus? It was only $10! Brett (Klara's friend from Calgary) came out to meet us, and we sat around the camp fire enjoying conversation - an event that seems to happen less than I had anticipated.
My first take on the prairie sky is BEAUTIFUL
(We are however, becoming the mosquitos' favourite dinner....)