Day 15: Marble Canyon Campground, Kootney National Park, BC to Canmore, AB
Total Kilometers TODAY: 80 km
Highlights: WE ARE FINALLY IN ALBERTA!!!!! 739 miles later (that is Cam's bike computer for yah...he loves doing the math - he says it keeps his mind active on the road....)
Entered into Banff National Park - lots of photos ops... the continental divide...

infront of Alberta's welcome sign...

Summitted Vermillion Pass : the highest point we have been at, about 1760m, but probably the easiest climb! Only took about an hour!
Huge Osprey nest at Castle Junction, lots of bird, deer, and exhibit signs to read on HWY 1A about the wildlife and surrounding area. We were definately surprised to not see more!!!

Lunch in Banff - very touristy

Super fun ride the last 20km to Canmore, smooth sailing, wide shoulder (but loud traffic!!!) We were probably averaging 30km/hr!!!!
Nice campground, really busy on a sunny weekend...this is the first day of consistent heat....we are noticing a change and recognizing the need to DRINK MORE WATER!

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