Day16: Canmore to Calgary
Sunday June 25
Total Km: 106 km
HWY 1 was busy and a bit tiring..but very smooth and not very hilly in comparison to what we have been doing...
We said goodbye to the, it makes me feel a bit nostalgic leaving the mountains....

Picnic-ed under a tree on long grass. It was very nice to have a bit of shade after this heat on the highway!

First time for many of us to have actual burns! Don't worry moms, we ARE wearing sunscreen! We all put on SPF 30-45 atleast 3 times throughout the day! We are definately learning that is not enough....
Arriving into Calgary pretty early for us about 1530.

We toured the Olympic Park a bit, giving us a chance to stretch our legs and take a photo on the podium!

Our lovely host, a good friend of Klara's, Brett Jensen, picked up a few of us and we all ended up meeting us at his house for showers and laundry! Finally after 3 days of park camping...
The social butterfly that he is, Cam's waitering days have landed him some awesome we all had a dinner on the house at Milestones downtown. Brett said it was hilarious watching us - like we had been out of civilization for 2 weeks or something, or perhaps its the 6hrs of cycling a day... it doesn't matter. He said, "atleast I have entertainment for the night."

Ohh and we got to take out Alisha's stiches!

Finally off to sleep....dreaming about days OFF.....or cycling through the decide
signing out
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