Day 22: Tompkins to Swift Current
Distance: 75km
Several long days of cycling in the heat and Alisha and I (Klara) could sleep though anything. I awoke to a rather soggy camp and Jennica informing me of her unnerving encounter with thunderstorm number two. "The tent was shaking, the fly flew off and the lighting was really close. A couple times I was really worried about our safety." Cam who normally sleeps like a log even awoke during the storm - remember not even the bear (we think it was a bear) leaning over his tent in Kootney National Park could wake him.
I on the other hand am usually a very light sleeper so I was surprised to hear that I missed the storm. My only excuse I took benedryl for my allergies and bug bites so it has a tendency to knock you out...And leave you rather groggy in the morning.
Sure enough the campsite was rather wet and poor Jenny's trailer bag BOB got sprinkled with water when the fly was flapping in the wind.
After a slower start this morning recovering the storm we were off to dry in the Saskatchewan heat and enjoy the land of never ending skis.
Tim Horton's infomercial:
Okay I am not a coffee drinker but the rest of the gang are big fans of Timmy's Ice Caps. So in as we were entering the outskirts of Swift Current Jennica proclaimed a sudden urgency to get to Tim Hortons. "Guys I have to get to Tim Horton's before 3 pm so I can still have my Ice Cap" (Jen found out that she is slightly sensitive to caffeine the other night so she is limiting her evening caffeine consumption).
Swift Current Pioneer Days and Canada Day Fireworks:
The team really want to be in a larger center to celebrate Canada Day so we headed in to the fair at Swift Current. For the majority of the team this was the first time they had seen a Rodeo so it was definitely an experience.

Other than that we just had some good old fashioned fun at the fair!

We even got to camp right on the fairgrounds with all the rodeo cowboys (and girls).

As Canada Day came to a close, we really appreciated what a diverse countrywe live in!

Klara managed to sit beside a local by the name of Colin, during the rodeo who not only informed me about the event, but also began to highlight the 5 wonders of Saskatchewan.
1) Wind Power (windmills that convert wind energy to electricity),
2) Twisted Trees,
3) The Largest Sand Dunes in Canada (9 feet high),
4) Home Steading (early Settlers moved to Canada and began farming in Saskatchewan-I know some my ancestors moved started here in the Canadian prairies including the Schwab and Zunti family tree.
5) The last wonder... We didn't quite figure that one out, but if you are ever driving through Saskatchewan do note that the rest stop signs have a picnic table and a tree with a slight lean-definitely unique to Saskatchewan.
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